Song festival

🇪🇪 The XXVIII Song and XXI Dance Festival “Iseoma” will take place from July 3rd to 6th, 2025. It is a traditional national event that covers the whole of Estonia, featuring over 40,000 choir singers, orchestral musicians, folk dancers, and folk musicians. More than 100,000 spectators gather to witness three dance performances, one folk music concert, and two concerts of the song festival

Flag day

🇪🇪 4. of June. Happy Estonian Flag Day! 🇪🇪
Our national glory in blue and black celebrates its 140th birthday.
Estonian Flag Day is celebrated on the anniversary of the blessing of the
blue and white flag by the Estonian Students’ Union. The first blue-black
and white flag was made in Tartu in the spring of 1884, and on 4 June it
was blessed and consecrated in Otepää church. With the spread of the ideas
of Estonian nationalism, the trio of colours became established as the
national colours, and the blue-black-and-white flag was adopted as the
national flag practically immediately after statehood. 🇪🇪
First picture is captured in Kalamaja. The last 3 pictures were created with Bing OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 AI.

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