75th anniversary of the 1949 deportations

Monday (March 25) marks the 75th anniversary of the 1949 deportations which saw over 20,000 Estonians forcibly deported to Siberia by the Soviet Union – almost 3 percent of the population. The majority of deportees were women and children under the age of 16. From 6 p.m. candles were lit on Tallinn’s Freedom Square andContinue reading “75th anniversary of the 1949 deportations”

Estonia’s Native Language Day

March 14 is Estonia’s Native Language Day. I gave NightCafe Studio a prompt to draw Estonian language tree. Blue, black and white are colors of our national flag. Here are some of my poetry written years ago in estonian language: PIIR Põhi või lõuna, ida või lääs. Kuidas tõmmata joont nende vahele? Õige või vale,Continue reading “Estonia’s Native Language Day”

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